A Few of Our Favorite Things, For Your Dorm

Your dorm room needs to play double and triple duty in your campus life. It is a visual introduction of yourself to your new friends, it will become a place to watch movies, have dance parties, celebrate the end of finals, and where you will inevitably stay up late writing that next paper.

Below are a few of our favorite things to bring that #glowup to your new home

Edge Lights

LED Edge Lights: These are great all day erry day. Need a soothing color as you take in your beauty sleep? Something to put a little pop around your desk to entice you to stay put and get the work done? Setting the mood, or background for your TikTok game? We got you covered. 


Rainbow LED Neon CloudLED Neon Wall Rainbow Cloud: This is one of our favorite LED wall neons. It gives us all the feels. A great reminder that after the storm there is a rainbow, and who doesn’t need that reminder as you slog your way through Organic Chemistry. 


Photo Clip String LightsPhoto Clip String Lights: Miss your hometown buds? Your doggo? Need to remind yourself of why you are working so hard? (#goals) Our photo clip lights are a great way to show off your summer travels or create a light up mood board when you set this school year’s intentions.  Photos, concert tickets, a dried flower from that 1st date – they can all have their place on your wall or above your desk. 

Curtain Lights

Our Curtain lights are our most popular items because they are so easy to set up and set a #mood. A perfect back drop or the ideal way to keep the room lit enough for your late-night roommate's arrival back home. They come in multiple color options so you can pick the set that matches your vibe.  


LED Wall GridLED Wall Grid – Perfect spot for homework reminders mixed in with photos of your favorite people. Keep that work life balance to help you get through the semester.